Ending A Windows Installer Transaction Event Id 1042

Hi, I have a server with Windows 2008 x64 sp2. When I try to install / remove a program It shows:Log Name: ApplicationSource. Event ID 1042 is a notification that the Windows installer is ending the installation process. As you are not installing anything, I would have you run the online scan using the following link and check if the computer is infected.

1042: None: Ending a Windows Installer transaction. Ending a Windows Installer transaction. The description for Event ID 1 from source EMC IRM Injection cannot. Installers are not working anymore. Ending a Windows Installer transaction: G. Did you check the event viewer for errors? Information / Event ID 1040 / MsiInstaller / Beginning a Windows Installer transaction. Ending a Windows Installer transaction: c: xxxxxx.msi. Client Process Id: 1976. Event id 1042 I have tried to use the opera msi and mst. Allso a capture.

Ah Microsoft Office. A program embedded into my very soul. You see, I’m a tech of a modern generation, rather than actually learning about computers in our IT lessons – WE USED OFFICE TO DO THINGS LIKE WRITE LETTERS AND MAKE SPREADSHEETS!

Yeah. Bollocks to that.

It was pretty much when I was in Middle School (ages 9-13) that I became aware that I was destined for trouble. I knew I was in for a lifetime of pain and misery when I started providing IT support to some of my teachers. Alas, not one to argue the toss with the powers of fate, I admitted defeat and gave up on my dreams of being a rock star, and ended up in IT.

Alas, while I cry. Lets get to the meat and potatoes of this issue.

You get this issue when you try to install office.

Check the event logs. You get a bunch of non-descript information events as follows –

– Event ID 1042, Source MSIEXEC
Ending a Windows installer transaction. c:MSOCacheAllusers…Office64MUI.msi. Client Process ID …

– Event ID 11708, Source MSIEXEC
Product: Microsoft Office Shared 64-bit MUI (English)2013 – Installation operation failed. Error code 1603.

What do you try?

Well theres a few things online that can be found with a moderate amount of googling.

The first being that the SYSTEM account doesn’t have permission to access the folder in which you are trying to install office. Check out the fix for that here – https://support.microsoft.com/en-gb/kb/834484

Another thing that I read was that this issue was due to the Task Scheduler service was failing horribly. Again, this was not the case for me.

So… Google appears to be failing. Excellent. What next?

Well, firstly, I needed more information as what I had was clearly not returning anything useful. To get more information, I enabled verbose logging on the Surface Tablet I was working on.

To do this, add the Debug and Logging reg keys, as shown in the image below to – HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESoftwarePoliciesMicrosoftWindowsInstaller

Next, I needed to create a log. So I ran the office exe again for it to fail. Nothing unexpected yet.

While this is going on a log file is being created in the %Temp% directory (Or C:users%username%App DataLocalTemp for those who like the long way round)

After looking through the other log files I found that the second most recent log was the one I was after.
Side note – If you are experiencing this issue, the easiest way to spot the file is that it will have an MSI… name and will be (usually) just slightly larger than the SetupExel…. file there.

There a lot of superfluous information here in the log. We just want to look for anything and everything about ERRORS. Easiest way to navigate this is just to do a Ctrl+F and search for the word “Error” within the document.

This! This is exactly where Office is having a massive fit. Next step is to look at the logs prior to this in search of what is causing the issue.

You can clearly see in the log directly above this that the fault is occurring when it is trying to create a scheduled task called OfficeTelemetryAgentLogOn from a .xml file. My fix for this? Find a PC that has Office successfully installed and navigate to c:WindowsSystem32Tasks Office.

In there there will be three files named:

  • Office15 Subscription Heartbeat
  • OfficeTelemetryAgentFallBack
  • OfficeTelemetryAgentLogOn

Well I’ll be dammed. One of those is the task we’re looking for. Copy and paste that bastard from your working PC straight to the same directory on your borked PC and attempt the install again. With any luck it <i>should</i> work.

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McAfee GroupShield Exchange failed to open private message store.
An error was generated by OS Choosed. The error code is in the record. User: <userid> Domain: <domain> computer Name: <computer name>
Cluster generic service 'Microsoft Exchange Internet Mail Service' failed.
The DHCP/BINL service running on this machine has detected the following servers on the network. Their domains are listed below as well as the authorization status of the local machine as verified against the directory service enterprises of each of these domains. If the servers do not belong to any domain, the domain is listed as empty. The IP address of each of these servers is listed in parentheses.
The DHCP/BINL service has not determined if it is authorized in directory domain '<domain>' (Server <IP Address>)

Ending A Windows Installer Transaction Event Id 1042 Download

Ending a windows installer transaction event id 1042 2017
Unable to open storage state file [C:<path>exsync0.dat] on session [<session_name>] terminating session.
MSExchangeIS Mailbox Store
Attempting to perform action 0 in rule ID 1-3C02. The type of action is Copy.
Metabase Update failed to read the Configuration namespace property from the domain controller. Error code is <error code>.
Ending a Windows Installer transaction: {21e49794-7c13-4e84-8659-55bd378267d5}. Client Process Id: 10160.

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Ending A Windows Installer Transaction Event Id 1042 2017

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